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Thank you for your interest in an appointment with Frank!
Due to the overwhelming response for appointments, he is now booked two years out.

To continue providing his clients with the same care and attention as always,
it became necessary to make an improvement to our appointment scheduling process.


Frank is currently adding clients appointment requests to a waiting list.
His goal is to be able to offer appointment dates that are only 2-3 months out from the time they are offered. 
Clients will now have a much better idea of their availability at the time they are accepting an appointment.


Scheduling Process: 

1. Submit the short form below. Take care that your information is correct - no typos.  :)
2. Add appts@thespiritchrysalis.com to your address book  <<<Important. Our emails often end up in the junk folder.
3. You will receive a reply within 3-4 days confirming you've been added to the waiting list.
4.  When your name reaches the top of the list you will be contacted via email to schedule your appointment  We'll make two separate attempts to contact you over a 10 day period. If we do not hear back within that timeframe your name will be removed from the waiting list.

Current Clients:

Your wait time will be the same as under the previous scheduling process, the wait will now be BEFORE receiving an appointment date instead of after.

Any appointments you currently have confirmed and scheduled are still valid! You do not lose those appointments.

Urgent Requests:

As much as Frank would like to be able to help everyone during a time of need, if you are in need of urgent assistance, please consult a licensed professional in the field needed. 


To join Frank's waiting list and be contacted to schedule an appointment when your name reaches the top of the list, please submit the appointment request form on Frank's website:


* Required fields
E-mail Address *
First and Last Name *
Secondary Email Address (strongly encouraged, but not required)
Phone Number including Area Code *
Type of Appointment Desired *

For information on gifting an appointment, please email us at


Thank you,

The Spirit Chrysalis

Copyright © 2004-2025
The Spirit Chrysalis
All Rights Reserved
Last Updated 1.22.25